Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership
Developing School Leaders

Pennsylvania school districts and intermediate unit educational agencies have a mission. They must respond to increased accountability like never before. As a result of the No Child Left Behind federal legislation, all students must perform at least at the proficient level on state testing of Pennsylvania Standards by the year 2014. Low-performing schools need sustained increases in student performance while higher-performing schools must move from “good” to “great.” We cannot expect school leaders to rise to this challenge without making sure that they are equipped with the right knowledge, skills and attitudes.

To accomplish this task, the Pennsylvania Department of Education established an education goal to create systems and structures for developing academic leadership focused on understanding the ways to boost student achievement. To help reinforce this goal, legislation (Act 45 of 2007) was enacted requiring school administrators to obtain their Act 48 hours in programs addressing the nine Pennsylvania Leadership Standards.

The Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership Initiative (PIL) will provide a statewide, standards-based leadership development and support system for school leaders at all levels through a delivery system that is cohort-based and embraces the regional collaboration of Intermediate Units and their partners.

The initiative is designed to build capacity in school leaders by focusing on what they need to know and be able to do in order to provide the guidance and direction of sustained instructional improvement leading to higher student achievement.

BCIU is located in PIL Region 2, along with Colonial IU 20, Carbon Lehigh IU 21, and Schuylkill Intermediate Unit 29.

Program Contact
Nancy K. Sinkus
Regional Program Lead
Email Nancy K. Sinkus