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Early Intervention (EI)
Local Right To Education Task Force (LTF)
The Right to Education Task Force was created in 1972 as part of the P.A.R.C. Consent Agreement that provided for a free, appropriate public education for children with mental retardation. In 1975, the Right to Education was extended by State regulations to include learning disabilities, physical handicaps, emotional difficulties and hearing, visual, speech, and language impairment.
The Task Force functions as an independent organization of parents and other residents of Berks County who are interested in working with school districts, IU14, and community agencies to further the rights of students with special needs. The primary purpose of the Right to Education Local Task Force is to make recommendations that assist in improving, strengthening, expanding, and monitoring programs and services for school-age children with special needs. It also serves as a vehicle for professional development opportunities according to parent and participant interest.
The Right to Education Task Force meetings are open to the public. The Local Task Force is facilitated by elected officials and the Berks County Intermediate Unit. In addition, the Local Task Force is supported by the 18 Berks County school districts.
Parents of special education students are the mainstay of the Local Task Force. We are required to have a 51 percent parent-consumer membership. Also serving on the Local Task Force are concerned citizens and representatives from: Berks County Intermediate Unit, local school districts, Arc Advocacy Services, and local and regional special education service providers.
Business meetings are followed by a presentation and discussion. All meetings include:
Dissemination of resources
Discourse on current issues within local special education
Topics are selected by the Local Task Force members. Suggestions for future topics are warmly welcomed and encouraged. Please consider joining us. All are welcome and meetings are free.
Local Task Force Meetings
All meetings will be held virtually. Please visit our Berks County Local Task Force Facebook Page for all meeting information and updates.
*If you plan to attend, please email bciu14_taskforce@berksiu.org with your name and email address no later than the Friday prior to the meeting. A zoom meeting invite from Dr. Michelle Reichard-Huff will be sent to all participants.

Vacancies: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary
*Please contact Dr. Michelle Reichard-Huff if you are interested in serving on the Local Task Force.