Special Education
Serving Preschool, Elementary and Secondary Students
The Berks County Intermediate Unit’s special education services include programming for preschool, elementary, and secondary students who have Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).
BCIU services for these young people may include life skills support classes or classes for students who are hearing impaired. Additional support options could include: job coaching, psychological services, sign language interpreting, and services from teachers of the hearing and visually impaired.

Preschool Early Intervention in Pennsylvania consists of services and supports designed to help families with children ages 3 to 5 who have developmental delays.

In partnership with the county’s public and non-public schools, the Berks County Intermediate Unit works to help students with special needs succeed in school and in adult life after graduation.

An independent organization of parents and other residents of Berks County who are interested in working with school districts, IU14, and community agencies to further the rights of students with special needs.

The Pennsylvania State Task Force is charged with ensuring that the mandate and spirit of the Right to Education Consent Agreement are carried out throughout the Commonwealth.