State Task Force on the Right to Education

The Pennsylvania State Task Force is charged with ensuring that the mandate and spirit of the Right to Education Consent Agreement are carried out throughout the Commonwealth. The Right to Education was launched initially as a statewide education campaign designed to identify and locate school-aged children with mental retardation. The State Task Force now addresses the educational needs of all children with disabilities.

The State Task Force is comprised of representatives from the following agencies:

  • Pennsylvania Department of Education

  • Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare Office of Developmental Programs

  • The Arc of Pennsylvania

  • Governor's Office of Administration

The State Task Force responds to a system of 29 Local Task Forces (one per intermediate unit). The Local Task Forces serve as advocates in assisting local education agencies in carrying out the Right to Education Consent Agreement.

State Task Force meetings are held bimonthly and are open to the public. Meeting information can be found on the PaTTAN website.

For additional information, contact:

PA State Taskforce website