Black and gold graduation caps floating on a gold background

Congratulations to the paraprofessionals who graduated from training at the Berks County Intermediate Unit on Wednesday, June 12, 2024! Fifty-one participants attended the Paraprofessional Academy which offers six-days of comprehensive instruction throughout the school year in various subjects including behavior, reading, math, written expression, transition, special education law, disability categories, effective instruction, and communication. The purpose is to equip paraprofessionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to fulfill the requirements for state credentialing, ensuring their qualification. 

Stacey Breiner, M. Ed., Education Consultant in the BCIU Office of Professional Learning, who opened the ceremony, remarked that 2024 marks the 16th year of the program. She emphasized the pivotal role paraprofessionals play in fostering student achievement and thanked the graduates for their dedication, perseverance, and hard work throughout the training process, while applauding their contributions within the classroom setting, noting the significant impact on student success. 

Additionally, Stacey expressed gratitude to the school representatives present, who conducted brief interviews, evaluated the portfolios created by the paraprofessionals, and distributed Certificates of Completion, joining in the celebratory occasion. 

Graduates included paraprofessionals from the following schools: BCTC (3); Conrad Weiser Area (12); Exeter Township (3); Hamburg Area (2); Kempton New Church (3); Kutztown Area (3); Muhlenberg (10); RMCTC (5); SOS Shared Group, serving Antietam, Brandywine Heights Area, and Oley Valley (5); and Tulpehocken Area (3).