cola group

Dr. Sherri Smith, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators (PASA), attended the first Committee on Legislative Action (COLA) meeting of the new school year on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at the BCIU Main Office. Dr. Smith shared her insight regarding the PA State Education Budget, Cyber Charter Reform, and the impact of education-related legislation on the state level. She also gave her perspective on the key issues in front of us in the coming year. 

Dr. Smith stressed that “it is a transitional time in education and the future looks bright for public education in Pennsylvania!” Partnering with school leaders and key PA organizations is vital for successful advocacy efforts. To effectively advocate for our students, we must unify and coordinate our legislative efforts, establish common and consistent talking points, and enhance the presence and engagement of school leaders with our legislators. 

Dr. Greg Miller, COLA Co-Chair and Superintendent of the Fleetwood Area School District, reviewed COLA’s purpose and goals. He emphasized that building strong connections is crucial in our advocacy for education. Our partnerships with organizations like PASA enable us to collaborate, share knowledge, deliver a united message, and create meaningful impact. 

Andrew Potteiger, COLA Co-Chair and Superintendent of the Brandywine Heights Area School District, addressed the proposed COLA priorities and areas of focus for 2024-2025, stating that they align closely with PASA’s priorities. 



• School Safety 

– Physical Security and Mental Health Grant Funding 

– School Security Personnel Requirement 

– Future Funding 

• Basic Education Funding (BEF) and Special Education Funding (SEF) 

• State Mandates 

• Charter / Cyber Charter Schools 

• Tax Equity 


• Special Education 

• Vouchers / School Choice 

• E-Rate / Technology 


• Title IX | 2024 Regulations 

COLA meetings are coordinated and facilitated by Dr. Jill Hackman, BCIU Executive Director, in collaboration with the COLA Co-Chairs. The Committee is comprised of representatives from each of the 18 Berks County school districts and two career and technology centers, including one member and alternate from the district school board / JOC, the superintendent, and the business manager. 

COLA meets three times during the school year and provides school leaders with a forum for review, analysis, and comment on state and federal legislation and regulations affecting education in Berks County and across the Commonwealth. A professional partner (i.e., PASA, PSBA, PASBO) is invited to each meeting to offer perspectives on legislative issues and the impact they will have on our schools. The information shared assists the group in determining priorities and areas of focus for ongoing advocacy efforts. 

Appreciation is extended to our COLA members for their continued commitment to keeping informed, delivering information, and acting as a resource for our schools and community. 

The next meeting of the COLA group is scheduled for Tuesday, November 12, 2024. Kevin Busher, Chief Advocacy Officer, the Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA), is scheduled to attend to assist us in our continued advocacy efforts.