from left to right: Mrs. Elizabeth Huhn, Vice President, Berks County Intermediate Unit Board of Directors; Mr. Gary McEwen, President, Berks County Intermediate Unit Board of Directors; Mr. Jay Worrall, Recipient of the 2024 Berks County Intermediate Unit (BCIU) Outstanding Community Partner Award; and Dr. Jill Hackman, Executive Director, Berks County Intermediate Unit.

From left to right: Mrs. Elizabeth Huhn, Vice President, Berks County Intermediate Unit Board of Directors; Mr. Gary McEwen, President, Berks County Intermediate Unit Board of Directors; Mr. Jay Worrall, Recipient of the 2024 Berks County Intermediate Unit (BCIU) Outstanding Community Partner Award; and Dr. Jill Hackman, Executive Director, Berks County Intermediate Unit.

The Berks County Intermediate Unit (BCIU) is dedicated to fostering partnerships and recognizing the outstanding contributions of individuals and organizations that significantly impact our community and enhance the well-being and educational experience of the students we serve. We are pleased to announce Jay Worrall as the recipient of the 2024 BCIU Outstanding Community Partner Award. Mr. Worrall joins an impressive group of past honorees, celebrating the award’s tenth anniversary. 

The BCIU Community Partner Award is bestowed annually based on the following criteria: 

• Demonstrates an understanding of the importance and role of the BCIU. 

• Advocates in the community for the BCIU and the students served. 

• Volunteers time and talent to support the BCIU – this could be by attending BCIU events, volunteering in classrooms, collaborating with staff members, etc. 

• Must be someone outside the BCIU (non-employee) who believes strongly in educational services and has demonstrated that commitment through their actions over time. 

• Must be a recognized leader in their respective field and a member of the Berks County community. 

Without question, Mr. Worrall fulfills all of the selection criteria and more. He has demonstrated his ongoing commitment to the Berks County community in his roles and actions, with over 25 years of leadership experience in the not-for-profit sector, dedicated to assisting those in need. He has served as President of the Helping Harvest Fresh Food Bank since October 2019, guiding the organization with visionary leadership to serve the mission of Helping Harvest “to feed the hungry.” In 2024, he was appointed as Board Chair of Feeding Pennsylvania, the state organization of Feeding America Food Banks in Pennsylvania, working with a dedicated team to unite food banks across the state to maximize their shared impact. 

Mr. Worrall’s collaborative spirit and dedication to service have established a model of community partnership, implementing innovative programs to support vulnerable populations and inspiring others to join in the work of alleviating hunger and promoting well-being. The Helping Harvest Fresh Food Bank, under the leadership of Jay Worrall, has fostered meaningful partnerships with schools and has provided critical support and resources to students and their families, heightening their ability to thrive academically and personally. In 2022-2023, he was instrumental in extending the Weekender Program to Berks County Intermediate Unit Head Start and Pre-K Counts programs, providing students with shelf-stable food to consume when they are not in the classroom. He has also assisted the BCIU in making key connections to explore opportunities for new classrooms to deliver high-quality early childhood programs. 

“Jay Worrall exemplifies the spirit of community partnership. His commitment to fighting hunger and ensuring food security is unparalleled. His dedication to our students and schools is inspiring. We are honored to recognize his efforts and celebrate his achievements, and are truly grateful for his collaboration and partnership.” ~ Dr. Jill M. Hackman, BCIU Executive Director 

The Berks County Intermediate Unit offers congratulations and sincere gratitude to Jay Worrall for his service, leadership, and for being a valued partner of the BCIU.