
Legal Compliance - Right-to-Know Law

In accordance with Act 3 of 2008 and Berks County Intermediate Unit Board Policy 801 Public Records, the Berks County Intermediate Unit (BCIU) recognizes the importance of public records as the record of the BCIU’s actions. In order to ensure that the public has the right to access and procure copies of public records, the BCIU has appointed a Right-to-Know Officer and is making available to the public contact information for this individual, as well as the Commonwealth’s Office of Open Records.

Also provided are documents and procedures established in accordance with Act 3 and Board Policy 801.

BCIU Right-to-Know Officer

Scott Major
Berks County Intermediate Unit
1111 Commons Blvd., PO Box 16050, Reading, PA 19612-6050
Phone: 610-987-8486, Fax: 610-987-8406

Email Scott Major

Right-to-Know Requests

All Right-To-Know requests shall be submitted in writing to: Mr. Scott Major, Right-To-Know Officer of the Berks County Intermediate Unit, or the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records, using the  Standard Right-To-Know Request Form.

Right to Know requests will only be fulfilled if submitted by a person who is a legal resident of the United States. Anonymous requests will not be fulfilled.

Written requests may be:

  • E-mail

  • Faxed to 610-987-8406

  • Sent by U.S. Mail to:  Berks County Intermediate Unit

                                      Attn: Right-to-Know Officer
                                      1111 Commons Blvd., PO Box 16050

Reading, PA 19612-6050

  • Delivered in person to: Mr. Scott Major

If the requestor wishes to pursue the relief and remedies provided for in this act, the request for access must be in writing. The Berks County Intermediate Unit will not accept verbal or written anonymous requests. A written request for information under the Right-To-Know Act does not need to include any explanation of the requestor's reasons for requesting the information or the intended use of the information unless otherwise required by law.

Open Records Request Form

To access information about or use the Pennsylvania’s Open Records Office Web link for a copy of the Open Records Request form, complete the following:

  1. Navigate to the following Internet address: website

  2. Click on the FORMS button on the left side of the screen.

  3. Download and complete the Open Records Office Right-to-Know Uniform Request Form.

  4. Complete and submit to the Berks County Intermediate Unit Right-to-Know Officer.

Program Contact

Nicole Abreu
Phone: 610-987-8486

Email Nicole Abreu

Pennsylvania Office of Open Record

Liz Wagenseller, Executive Director
333 Market Street, 16th Floor
Harrisburg, PA  17101-2234
Phone:  717-346-9903 / Fax:  717-425-5343
Email Liz Wagenseller