Superintendent & Administrator Searches
Comprehensive Search Services for School Districts

The BCIU Executive Director’s Office is available to facilitate superintendent search services or administrator searches from start to finish. Our philosophy is to support school boards / administrative teams in securing a successful applicant to best serve the district and community at large.  The BCIU will complete the task of managing the entire administrative procedure by implementing a “5 Phase” process that is customized for each client to ensure a comprehensive search is conducted.  The process includes the following:

Phase I | Initial Planning and Preparation

  • Identify desired attributes and characteristics of the successful candidate.

  • Identify interview team members for initial and finalist interviews.

  • Review market value of position and identify the compensation plan.

  • Create timeline calendar.

  • Create, publish, and disseminate community survey (if appropriate).

  • Create recruitment material.

  • Identify advertising strategies (e.g. newspapers, national journals).

Phase II | Search and Recruitment

  • Create online application.

  • Publish and disseminate recruitment material.

  • Post and disseminate vacancy notices through local, state, and national channels.

  • Collect and package all candidate materials.

  • Conduct all follow-up correspondence with applicants.

Phase III | Identify Qualified Candidates

  • Review of applications.

  • Verify candidate credentials.

  • Conduct initial reference checks.

  • Prepare candidate profile spreadsheet.

  • Facilitate the identification of candidates to be interviewed.

  • Notify all candidates not selected.

Phase IV | Interview and Selection Process

  • Identify initial interview format and participants.

  • Develop initial interview questions.

  • Prepare interview rating forms.

  • Coordinate interview schedule.

  • Facilitate initial interview.

  • Facilitate Board deliberations and selection of finalists.

  • Identify finalist interview format and participants.

  • Develop finalist interview questions and inquiries.

  • Coordinate finalist interview.

  • Facilitate Board deliberations.

  • Coordinate and conduct Board visitations to the home district of the finalist.

  • Coordinate and conduct finalist's visit to the District.

Phase V | Appointment and Post Search Activities

  • The School Board selects the Superintendent/Administrator.

  • The School Board or designee negotiates a contract with the final candidate.

  • Assist with public relations announcements.

  • Assist with orientation of Superintendent.

Please Note: Working closely with the district Board of Directors, the BCIU will maintain strict confidentiality throughout the search process. All materials produced will be of high quality and will be customized to the school district. The selection of the successful candidate is solely the decision of the school district.

Program Contact
BCIU Executive Director's Office